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Queen's Supply Chain and Operations Resource Executive

Canada's most prestigious supply chain and logistics undergraduate industry association

QSCORE mission


Be a strong industry committee that will help students across Canada enhance their professional development and find new opportunities in the exciting and growing field of Supply Chain & Operations Management.

Find our exec and alumni at:

qscore placements p&g
qscore placements nestle
qscore placements mars
qscore placements kraft heinz
qscore placements bell
qscore placements hershey
qscore placements td
qscore placements cognizant
qscore placements kpmg
qscore placements cibc
qscore placements pwc
qscore placements amazon
qscore placements united airlines
qscore placements labatt

"Being on QSCORE since my first year has been one of my favourite parts of my university experience! As someone who is entering the operations field, QSCORE has had a major impact in opening my eyes and supporting my career profession in the industry. Most importantly, I have made many strong friendships through QSCORE that will last far past graduation."

What QSCORE Execs and Delegates Say:

Questions? Reach out to the executive team.

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